Calcaneal fracture
- XR as first test but can easily be occult
- CT if high suspicion
- If XR positive for fracture, will need CT anyway for ortho planning
- Associated with high L/low T-spine compression fractures – consider but don’t need to automatically get imaging unless there is clinical suspicion
Lis Franc
- Base of 2nd metatarsal disruption
- leads to unstable mid-foot and needs ORIF
- CT for surgical planning
Jones fracture
- 5th metatarsal fracture
- Important part is how proximal/distal it is to tuberosity at the base of the metatarsal
- If it’s close to the proximal tuberosity, okay for non-operative management
- If it’s distal, out in the shaft, it is unstable and at high risk for non-union and needs ORIF